Embarking on his tech journey at just 16, Nathan Morris opened his very own computer store, showcasing an early flair for entrepreneurship. From these beginnings, he seamlessly transitioned into the innovative world of VoIP with Fonebox, laying down foundational work for modern communications. As he delved deeper into the technological realm, he took on pivotal roles, notably within a prominent Brisbane Accounting & Business Advisory firm, aligning strategic vision with cutting-edge technology.
The culmination of these experiences led Nathan to establish Worktopia in 2015. Driven by the core philosophy of making technology transparent and accessible, Nathan’s leadership has since elevated Worktopia to be a trusted partner for businesses across sectors, from accountancies to non-profits. Two decades on from that first foray into tech, Nathan’s dedication to enabling businesses to fully harness their IT capabilities remains unwavering.
“Technology shouldn’t be complex and distant. It’s our bridge to a smarter future, and I believe every business, big or small, should confidently walk that path without jargon or barriers. Let’s simplify, secure, and elevate.”